Great Place to Work - Dec 2022 - Dec 2023
About Us

We're A Team of Creators & Innovators

About About
Our Greatest Strength Lies in Only One Factor and That Is People

Our Story

We are a software company but more importantly, we are a community of passionate people who are passionate about making the world a better place through one line of code at a time. Combining our decades of accumulated industry experience and cutting edge technology, we will guide your business venture and elevate to newer heights.

The Values We Live By



Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We believe in constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible and striving for excellence in everything we create


Teamwork is vital to our success. We value open communication and collaboration, and we believe that the collective contributions of our team are what set us apart


Integrity is a cornerstone of our company. We are committed to honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all of our business dealings


Empowerment is essential to our culture. We believe that by giving our team members the tools and resources they need to succeed, we can unleash their full potential and drive growth for our company
Rafael Niesten

Leadership team

He is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and an investor for innovation and technology. He always has his thinking cap on and constantly in search of discovering new opportunities that can transform the market place. Furthermore, it doesn’t hurt to say that he was bestowed with the honour of “The Citizen of the Year” award for Western Australia (Youth) and was recognized as a finalist at the “Austrailian of the Year” Awards (Youth) in the year 2003, which tells something great about his dogged determination, unmatchable entrepreneurial sense and simply his ability to conquer opportunities.

Rafael Niesten

CEO & Co-founder
Jon Stul

Leadership team

With over 15 years of experience in the real estate industry, Jon is a connoisseur of the trade, with a thirst to re-invent the industry with the power of technology. His extensive knowledge in the nitty-gritty of the business world from both business and client point of view has made him one of the rare individuals who can identify a need of the client while having the ability to analyse and apply the solution to a real-world scenario accordingly. His outstanding talents have helped the JRC to come up with solutions that are truly tailor-made and empirical.

Jon Stul

Chinthaka Dissanayake

Leadership team

Chinthaka is a technology leader with over 15 years of experience in building and leading innovative technical teams to achieve great results. He is a born programmer and an expert in Azure and .NET, with a proven track record of delivering successful projects and leading teams to deliver high-quality software. His experience includes architecting, developing and implementing software solutions for various domains, leading technical teams and mentoring developers. He has an impressive background in technology leadership and a proven ability to lead complex projects from start to finish with a strategic and tactical approach

Chinthaka Dissanayake

CTO & Co-founder

Wanna join JRC family? Let's work together.

Our Culture

Beyond the Coded Lines

Each and every one of us is driven with a passion, to make it a better tomorrow than yesterday. That’s what's special about JRC – we are all passionate about showing you the future you... and to enjoy life doing what we love to do.